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Sunday, December 30


2007 is history.

A very 'happening' year for Kerala, as exactly the way you might have guessed. It was a happening year as per our own standards. Yeah, these are the big happenings in our small state the fading year.

37 hartals, local & statewide(read the report here)That's one every 9.8 days! There was even one because Saddam Hussain was hanged. (Next what? When Fidel Castro dies?)
Munnar gimmicks and the comical anti-climax.
Judicial, executive & street fight with Tamil Nadu over Mullaperiyar, Selam Railway Division and similar issues. Beaten black & blue in all fronts.
IIT Extension Centre allowed to Kerala, at last established somewhere in Coimbatore..yes C-O-I-M-B-A-T-O-R-E in Tamil Nadu(but only 30 km from our border. Aren't you happy??)
Trivandrum Airport administration taken over by Chennai! heheheheeee...yes, this one takes the cake!
Chicken Guniya Episodes I & II, Thakkali Pani..(not the names of hit movies but Superhit epidemics) Indian Army was called in during the Guniya Episode II...!!
ISRO land cat fight...climax expected in early 2008. But this time Chennai will not win the fish... because Bangalore will!
British Library closed.
Kochi Metro, Vizhinjam Terminal, Technocity, Kannur Airport all still where they started
Apart from this, usual 'happenings' like Karu-Murali musical chair, VS-Pinarayi kabadi match, lathicharges, stone-throwing, strikes, vazhi-thadayal, karinkodi kanikkal and all those high voltage dramas went on smoothly.
Smart City foundation stone laid.(Ah at last after 3 years)

OK folks...pick the odd man out from the above list...
Is it so difficult???


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